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‘Advanced Level’ 
covers application of the InterX in advanced clinical evaluation

The advanced training course covers modern understanding of complex chronic pain and its impact on the patient, introduces a deeper understanding of the Active Sites. New concept of Homeostatic Neural Points and Prognostic Quantitive evaluation Technique are taught as well as given knowledge of the anatomy of the Homeostatic Neural Points and ’12 Points’ treatment protocol.


From the technical point of view, you will learn the meaning of relative skin impedance (AR), rational behind in taking readings for the assessment and the actual Assessment Protocol step by step. You will learn how to evaluate and plan your treatments ahead, based on the assessment outcome.


The second part of the training course is practical, introducing the Assessment Protocol and giving the possibility to understand and analyse the obtained data from the patient; demonstrating aspects of documenting obtained readings on the sample cases. We all will perform a Prognostic Evaluation Technique. You will be able to practise on each other using the various treatment techniques and finding Homeostatic Neural Points on the body.


In addition to that, patients with complex chronic degenerative and complex chronic neuropathic pain will be presented as a demo case study (with their permission), so you can learn how to manage the pain and which techniques to choose.


Link to: Advanced Itinery Form & Course Information

'Dr Frost's encouraging method results in building self confidence in her students.

She is extremely generous with her time and would go to any length to listen and discuss a case and share her ideas.

Due to the passion she has for her teaching I eagerly await the resumption of her courses in 2019.'

                                                                                                                          Theresa Hosford 21/11/2018 

How to apply

Please complete the ‘Enrolment form’ by cicking link below.


Alternatively you can get in touch with us from the 'contact us' page.


CPD certificate for the course attendance (8 hours)


Training fees:

  • Foundation course: £250.00 

  • Advanced course: £250.00 

  • Online hourly training: £162.00 

  • Webinar: £20.00 

VAT inclusive, covering tuition fees, course notes, refreshments and treatments.


Link to: Enrolment Form

‘Foundation Level’ 
covers use of the InterX for a treatment of Acute, Chronic pain

This training course is a first introduction to a method of Non-Invasive Interactive Neurostimulation (NIN).  A comparison is made with other electrical stimulation devices and explained why the InterX is more effective. The course covers the explanation of the signal stimulation patterns, clinical evidence, introduces first findings supporting the mechanism of action, the concept of the Active Site, the indications and contra-indications of this therapy, clinical goals, the basic treatment protocol and treatment planning.


The second part of the course is practical, first you will observe the treatment and then you would be able to practise, using the basic techniques to ‘Scan’, ‘Target’ and ‘Dynamic’ on the demo patients.  In this training course, patients with real pain conditions (with their permission) are presented as a demo case study. They are treated interactively.


Link to: Foundation Itinery Form & Course Information

‘Energy Medicine Course’

'Dr. Frost is a gifted educator who makes learning a pleasure. She is so enthusiastic about the Inter-X device and for improving the lives of patients. I thoroughly recommend her courses to anyone involved in relieving patients suffering. The Inter-X device is an amazing  piece of medical equipment.'.

Terence Ullathorne 20/11/2018


‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’ 

Arthur C Clark

Dr Frost offers regular training courses to enhance your practical skills in the use of the InterX device, Biophotomodulation therapy including Laserneedles and other biophysical therapeutic modalities. She is an approved CPD provider, meaning that the certification can be counted towards Continuing Professional Development targets.


The training is aimed at medical professionals and complementary therapists providing pain management and rehabilitation: Anesthetists, Physiotherapists, pain nurses, occupational therapists, homeopaths, osteopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, sport massage therapists, etc.


Training courses are designed to assure that a therapist follows a correct routine using the InterX device, Biophotomodulation therapy including Laserneedles and other biophysical therapeutic modalities, to provide interactive neurostimulation that is safe for the patient with the best therapeutic outcome. Further, training is covering aspects of ethical understanding and attitude. 

Since recent declaration from Margaret Chan, director of the World Health organisation: ‘an end of modern medicine as we know it’ overuse of antibiotics is becoming a real threat to patients. New prospects of Energy Medicine is now becoming a hot topic: new possibilities of influencing the body by ‘physical’ methods like electrical or magnetic fields, light, sound, colour and others are opening new horizons in health applications. 


This new course will help you understand the fundamentals of energy medicine as a study of bioenergetics which has arisen from ancient concepts of universal energy as Qi. Knowledge that was passed down to us has now found new ground through a modern finding of Quantum physics. There are so many questions to ask… How can we measure intangible energy? What are acupuncture points? What do we know about the human body today and how can we effectively treat our patients using energetic concepts? With technological progress we can visualise what acupuncture points look like.


There are now methods that can give an accurate read out and help analyse the patient’s energetic state as well as to influence energetically using bio-physical applications to achieve therapeutic outcomes, for example, to provide pain relief, increase energy and vitality, to achieve a truly balanced state.


In this course we will be covering ‘evidence based’ energetic applications like interactive neurostimulation, low intensity laser light therapy, bioresonance therapy and many more. Peer review studies will be presented to demonstrate clinical efficacy and of course, more thoughts for you to take home.


Link to: Energy Medicine Itinery Form & Course Information

'Yet again, Zulia presented another amazing and informative course. I came away with  more knowledge and extra tools for my therapy belt that I have already put into practice. I can’t wait for the next one.’

                                                                                                                                              Susie Pitcher 28/10/2018

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